Alex, SEO specialist assistant at

Alex Nesterenko
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About Alex

With over 3 years of experience as an SEO and outreach specialist, Alex actively seeks inspiration and knowledge within the dynamic iGaming sector. His aim is to strengthen his expertise in search engine optimization while expanding his professional network within the gambling industry.

Alex’s Previous Work Experience:

Alex’s Vision of the Project’s Future:

Alex envisions expanding the project to other states with established legal frameworks for online gambling. He’s eager to see the project excel in fostering trust between gambling operators and players by promoting responsible gambling initiatives and partnering with organizations that oversee gambling activities and address problem gambling. Alex’s goal is to make a significant impact by forging strong connections with industry leaders and operators, ensuring a positive and responsible gambling environment.

Alex’s Interests and Hobbies:

Alex’s lifelong passion for technology has remained a constant companion. He derives immense joy from unraveling the inner workings of gadgets, tweaking and customizing them to reflect his own personality. Among the various interests he has, cars hold a special place in his heart. Alex envisions a future where he cruises along the Pacific Coast Highway in a brand-new Lexus LX 600, accompanied by his cherished family, friends, and his Maltipoo, Leo. It’s a vision that encapsulates the perfect blend of technology, adventure, and cherished companionship.

What Alex Does:
