MGCB Removed 167 Machines in 2023 After Focusing on Illegal Casino Games

Alex Nesterenko
mgcb removed 167 machines in 2023 after focusing on illegal casino games

Illegal gambling is a serious issue for the Michigan Gaming Control Board.

The licensing body overseeing Michigan’s thriving gaming sector has put in countless hours to combat the dangers associated with uncontrolled gaming. To dismantle illegal enterprises, the MGCB has specifically made a concentrated effort to locate and remove casino-style gaming devices from companies.

The MGCB states that there is now serious worry about casino-style devices. The board made particular notice of the possibility that these illegal activities might jeopardize the substantial financial commitments made by legal Michigan casinos.

Illegal gaming machines can put consumers in greater danger. The machines often lack the player safety and game integrity protections that regulated, licensed facilities provide. Players are thus more vulnerable to unfair practices.

The regulator has been taking tough measures against illicit betting businesses over the last year, including shutdowns, seizures, and legal action. The MGCB disclosed the precise amount of progress it has achieved on April 3.

In 2023, 167 Illicit Gaming Machines Were Taken out of Service

According to a recent press release from the regulator, 64 companies around the state received letters in 2023 requesting that they immediately stop their illicit gambling operations. In the end, this resulted in the elimination of 167 illegal gambling equipment.

It was just the start of a move on the actual machinery. Significant success was also made by the MGCB in seizing and selling assets related to unauthorized businesses. The authority sees these seizures as both a short-term setback and a long-term deterrent to anybody considering entering the illicit gambling industry.

Collaborating with the Michigan Attorney General’s Office, the MGCB reports that the investigations conducted in the previous year led to the confiscation of 79 illicit gaming devices. In addition, 24 people were arraigned on allegations of illicit gaming, and nine people were found guilty of gambling offenses.

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