Interstate Poker Boosts Income for PokerStars in Michigan and New Jersey

Arsenii Anderson
interstate poker boosts income for pokerstars in michigan and new jersey

Interstate poker play may be a huge asset for Michigan online poker companies if January offers any indication.

On January 1, PokerStars opened up interstate play to players from Michigan and New Jersey. The operator of the online casino saw a major increase in income as a result. Will PokerStars continue to benefit from interstate play? When will the additional poker rooms join the fray?

PokerStars MI Saw Major Revenue Growth in January

The interstate play had a strong influence on PokerStars, even if it’s difficult to quantify that impact.

Revenue at PokerStars Casino MI increased by 64.6% in January compared to December 2022. PS reported earning $2.2 million in December 2022. The next was $3.6 million in January. The operator’s January total was the highest since December 2021 and increased by 64% month over month.

Early predictions indicated that interstate play would result in a 30–50% increase in PokerStars traffic in Michigan. The volume of traffic increased significantly during January.

PokerStars Also Saw Growth in New Jersey

PokerStars MI saw major growth thanks to interstate play between Michigan and New Jersey. NJ does break out its total online casino income from its online poker revenue. PokerStars earned $1.1 million in revenue in January. PokerStars won the NJ revenue war in January for the first time since May 2020. Also, it was the first time since July 2020 that sales exceeded $1 million.

It doesn’t seem like this momentum shouldn’t slow down anytime soon, given that PokerStars now offers weekly guaranteed prize pools of $1 million for players from Michigan and New Jersey.

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