Through Online Gambling Fees, New Michigan Legislations Offer a More Reliable Source of Funding for Charitable Millionaire Party Fundraisers

Arsenii Anderson
michigan legislations offer a reliable source of millionaire party fundraisers funding

According to legislation that Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed into law on December 22, the Internet Gaming Fund will now serve as the primary source of funding for charitable millionaire parties in Michigan instead of charitable gaming licensing fees and ticket sales. The change offers a more enduring, dependable source of financing and permits approved organizations to continue their fund-raising efforts without having to cancel events or pay the Michigan Gaming Control Board‘s increased licensing costs.

According to Henry Williams, executive director of the MGCB, the new legislation resolves issues with finance and enables the board to maintain its high level of service to charitable organizations by preventing the need for fee spikes or restrictions on license issuance. Williams continued by mentioning the enormous popularity of online gaming. In 2022, online gaming operators provided the state of Michigan with taxes of $289.24 million.

The Bingo Act was modified by SB 1112, while the Lawful Internet Gaming Act (LIGA) was modified by SB 1111. These are now Public Act 270 of 2022 and Public Act 269 of 2022, respectively. At the conclusion of the fiscal year, any funds left over will be transferred to the state School Aid Fund after the yearly appropriation by MGCB, the mandated transfers of $500,000 to the compulsive gaming prevention fund, and $2 million to the first responder presumed coverage fund.

Katherine M. Hude, executive director of the Michigan Charitable Gaming Association, expressed her satisfaction with the Legislature’s and the Governor’s commitment to charitable gaming events.

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