Revue Magazine Poll Names Gun Lake The Best of the West

Arsenii Anderson
revue magazine poll names gun lake the best of the west

In its annual Best of the West readers’ vote, Revue Magazine has selected Gun Lake Casino in Wayland as the Best Casino. The Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians owns and operates Gun Lake via its wholly-owned subsidiary MPM Enterprises, LLC.

Readers in the Arts & Attractions category were surveyed for the ninth annual Best of the West edition of Revue Magazine, which has a reported monthly readership of close to 20,000. That is where the Gun Lake Casino stood out as the casino of choice for Michigan’s southwest.

Little River and FireKeepers Were Also Mentioned

In the poll conducted by Revue Magazine, a publication of Serendipity Media in Grand Rapids, Gun Lake Casino has won the top spot for three consecutive years

In the “Best of the West” casino category, Firekeepers Casino Hotel in Battle Creek and Little River Casino Resort in Manistee received honorable mentions.

The Best of the West issue, which was released in August, is available for free distribution across the Grand Rapids region.

The $350 million rehabilitation project at Gun Lake, which comprises a 252-room hotel resort, an aquadome, vast outdoor gardens, and entertainment stages, began construction in May 2022. When the facility is finished, it will be one of the biggest and most advanced of the brick-and-mortar casinos in Michigan. According to Gun Lake spokesmen, the project is now in phase 5. It will have more hotel rooms than any other casino in the state, not counting Detroit.

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